Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Gratitude diaries 13

Vidya was another on my close friends in IIM A. Unlike me, Vidya did well and had good grades. We were in the same section and in some study groups together. I felt comfortable being around Vidya and she was unfailingly encouraging to me. She was a year younger to me and appeared to me very naive and innocent, unworldly sort of. Because of this, I felt oddly protective towards her, even though she didn't need my protection. But I felt happy if I could do something nice for her. I remember one particular early morning group work meeting to prepare for a presentation later in the day. We tended to be stressed and nervous before presentations, but on this instance, on seeing a guitar in the room where we were working, Vidya took it and started singing and playing the guitar. That was so nice- a welcome respite from the pressure and it helped us calm down and smile. She was a positive person, not prone to worrying as much as I was, and was a good influence on me in that respect. Thank you Vidya for your friendship and support.

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