Saturday, 11 February 2017

Gratitude diaries 23

My father-in-law

The person I am most comfortable with as a caregiver for my sons, after Sameer and Pushpa, is my father-in-law. He is seventy plus, but still loves being around them and is never bothered by their noise and mess. He has been that way since they were born. My children are his first grandchildren and he was really happy when they were born. He has loved them, helped look after them and been a constant presence in their lives, and I am so grateful for it. It's wonderful that the kids have a sense of roots and a family beyond the immediate parents. I am sure that it must be at least a bit annoying, to have them around at times, but he has never complained even once. I am pretty sure that when I am old, I am not going to pitch in and help with my grandchildren, should I ever have any, in this involved way at all. Apart from the sons, he is also quite caring towards me and helps look after me when I am sick, takes me to the doctor etc. I am grateful that he thinks of me as his daughter, not daughter-in-law and claims so proudly to my parents (I know they like to hear this too). Thank you Anna, and I wish you a long, long, life so that you can be around when Aseem and Sasha grow up, and see their milestones like graduation, first job and all that.

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